Saturday, 12 April 2014

K - Kate Middleton's Style Secrets

   I love Kate Middleton's fashion sense - her dresses, her accessories, her shoes and handbags. She has the talent to effortlessly blend all of them .  With her love for fashion she gives herself an elegant and a graceful look. She also looks fresh and youthful at the same time.  The good points about her dressing is she blends high end brands along with attainable brands that help women to achieve her clothing style.  Let's have a brief view of her style secrets.

Loves wearing Lace - Kate Middleton loves to wear lace. Her Sarah Burton's wedding dress just goes to prove that. She looked elegant and simple in her wedding gown. She's been spotted many a times wearing a lace dress.  Check out some pics of her looking ravishing in lace. 

Loves to wear head gears - Kate loves her head gears and that does not come as a surprise. Head gears are always associated with royalty. She wears large and small sized head gears that matches each of her dresses beautifully.

Loves Skinny Jeans and boots - She loves her skinny jeans that she wears often with boots and blazers. It gives her a royal, relaxed and a smart look. She pairs her lovely boots with jeans and short skirts that make her look cool, chic and youthful.

She loves Blue - She's always spotted in navy blue. We've seen her wearing blue dresses, blue skirts, blue skinny jeans  and blazers.  I guess that's her favourite colour and she looks smart in it. Check out her navy blue looks below. 

Kate is fond of handbags - She's always spotted with fabulous handbags. Some of them are large with neutral colours and some elegant and classy clutches. She often uses  clutches from LK Bennet which is a British brand. 

L K Bennet clutch
 These were just some of her style secrets. I'm sure you are inspired by her fashion sense. Catch you on Monday with the letter 'L'

Note : Google images



  1. I LOVE lace, so that black lace dress is beautiful. She'd look incredible in a potato sack, though!

    Visiting from the A to Z blog signup page. Great to meet you!

    Stephanie Faris, author
    30 Days of No Gossip

  2. Yes, I agree she can look good in just about anything :) Great connecting with you too Stephanie. Best of luck for the challenge.
