About us

I've been blogging for the past one and a half years and I enjoyed the writing experience. Surprisingly, I  discovered myself through the world of blogging as it helped me reflect over things. Diana's musings is my first blog and you can find the link here -  Diana's musings

Somewhere down the line, I thought it's time to create another blog dealing with my favourite subject - Fashion and Style. Fashion is an art to me and it forms an important part of my personality. It gives me a platform to express who I really am. To be honest, I've taken my dressing very seriously from my childhood days. I've made the best use of whatever resources( Clothes) were available at that time and even now.

This being my passion, I thought  what better way to explore and indulge in my  interest than creating a fashion blog. So this is how this blog was born. This blog is created for those who take fashion and style seriously.

 I'm here to share knowledge and provide the best content from the fashion world. I would share information about new trends, Street style, affordable wear, styling tips. I'm here to help women from all walks of life to dress stylishly and smart. In turn I would be happy to receive your ideas, tips and support too.

So come along and take this journey with me.

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